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Trademark Filling

We give the best Services One of the most valuable assets of a business or a product is the name and goodwill associated with it. Industries, SMEs and startups should be more aware of the importance of a registered trademark and be ready to invest in marks that may have millions of dollars’ worth of […]
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Copyright Filling

We give the best Services Copyright protects the expression of thoughts and ideas in the literary, scientific and artistic domain, in any mode or form of expression. Copyright provides protection to the authors of “original works of authorship” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works, both published and unpublished. Copyright protection provides […]
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Intellectual Property

IPQuad Partner is a market based Intellectual Property consulting firm which has built up a major client base among Start-ups, SMEs & Universities.

New Delhi, India
(Monday - Saturday)
(09:30 AM - 06:30 PM)