Patent Filing

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IDS (Information Disclosure Statement Preparation)

We give the best Services Information disclosure statement (IDS) contains a list of all prior arts: published or granted patents (US or non-US), scientific literature or publications, or any other information. It is duty of the applicant to disclose the prior arts at the time of filling an application or during the prosecution of the […]
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Indian Patent Filling & Prosecution

We give the best Services A patent application must be filed with the Patent Office in order to get a patent for the innovation. The laws and regulations for filing a patent in India have been established by the government. When filing a patent, such laws and procedures must be followed. The Patent Office demands […]
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Office Action Response

We give the best Services Once the patent has been published it will be examined by the examiner at Patent Office (like USPTO or others) before it can be granted. Among other things, examiners conduct prior art searching to locate relevant references that can challenge patentability of the application. Often, examiners’ may send non final […]
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Patent Drafting, Illustrations

We give the best Services Patent drafting is required when filling for provisional or complete specification with patent office. Patent drafting may require, writing description, drafting claims, making patent drawing and flowcharts, sequence listing etc. In addition to drafting a patent, our team can help you in patent proofreading (machine or manual), patent illustration and […]
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Patent Drafting, Illustrations & Filling

We give the best Services Patent drafting is required when filling for provisional or complete specification with patent office. Patent drafting may require, writing description, drafting claims, making patent drawing and flowcharts, sequence listing etc. In addition to drafting a patent, our team can help you in patent proofreading (machine or manual), patent illustration and […]
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Intellectual Property

IPQuad Partner is a market based Intellectual Property consulting firm which has built up a major client base among Start-ups, SMEs & Universities.

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